Neighbourhood profiles cover multiple sectors related to the social, economic and built environment conditions of an area.
Select a sector to learn about its conditions in different neighbourhoods.
The Context section of neighbourhood profiles provides a general overview of the neighbourhood and describes its geographical (and historical) context.
To read the Context section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Context section’s page.
Profiles with unpublished Context sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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Mount Lebanon Governorate
The Education section of neighbourhood profiles discusses the population’s education level, as well as school attendance, dropout and out-of-school rates in the neighbourhood. It also contains information about the provision of and access to education services, including awareness about and satisfaction with subsidized education services.
To read the Education section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Education section’s page.
Profiles with unpublished Education sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
The Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH) section of neighbourhood profiles discusses water and sanitation practices at the household level, connections to infrastructure networks (domestic water, stormwater and wastewater) at the building and street levels, as well as solid waste management at the household and street levels in the neighbourhood.
To read the WaSH section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the WaSH section’s page.
Profiles with unpublished WaSH sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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The Governance section of neighbourhood profiles discusses the main governance structures and provision of administrative services in the neighbourhood. It also provides a mapping of key stakeholders and describes how the neighbourhood is included in spatial development planning policies and projects (if any).
To read the Governance section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Governance section’s page.
Profiles with unpublished Governance sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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Safety & Security
The Safety & Security section discusses residents’ perceptions of neighbourhood safety, community relationships and disputes, drug abuse and improvement suggestions in the neighbourhood.
To read the Safety & Security section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Safety & Security section’s page.
Profiles with unpublished Safety & Security sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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The Population section of neighbourhood profiles discusses the population count and distribution, as well as other demographic data collected in the neighbourhood.
To read the Population section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Population section’s page.
Profiles with unpublished Population sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published
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The Health section of neighbourhood profiles discusses the population’s health status, the provision of health services, as well as the residents’ access to, awareness about and satisfaction with subsidized health services and Social Development Centres (SDCs) in the neighbourhood.
To read the Health section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Health section’s page.
Profiles with unpublished Health sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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Child Protection
The Child Protection section of neighbourhood profiles discusses protection challenges that children (aged 0–14) face in the neighbourhood including their involvement in (often hazardous) economic activities, marriage at an early age, violence (at home, at school and in the streets), and difficulties experienced by children with disabilities. Data collected for some of these issues also covers those aged 15 to 19.
To read the Child Protection section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Safety & Security section’s page.
Profiles with unpublished Child Protection sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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The Electricity section of neighbourhood profiles discusses connections to the public and private electrical grid at the building and street levels, as well as street light coverage in the neighbourhood.
To read the Electricity section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Electricity section’s page
Profiles with unpublished Electricity sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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The Youth section of neighbourhood profiles discusses youth education level, livelihoods, safety and security issues, and marriage and pregnancy rates in the neighbourhood.
To read the Youth section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Youth section’s page.
Profiles with unpublished Youth sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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Access & open spaces
The Access and Open Spaces section of neighbourhood profiles discusses accessibility and mobility issues, as well as the condition, types and use of open spaces in the neighbourhood.
To read the Access and Open Spaces section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Access & Open Spaces section’s page. Profiles with unpublished Access and Open Spaces sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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Local Economy & Livelihoods
The Local Economy & Livelihoods section discusses the main types and distribution of markets and enterprises, business tenure type and age, customer catchment area of enterprises, as well as the condition of basic urban services on the neighbourhood's main commercial streets. It also provides information on the neighbourhood residents’ livelihood situation, including data on business owners and employees.
To read the Local Economy & Livelihoods section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Local Economy & Livelihoods section’s page. Profiles with unpublished Local Economy & Livelihoods sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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The Buildings section provides an overview of the buildings in the neighbourhood, and describes their structural, exterior and communal space conditions. It also discusses housing issues in the neighbourhood.
To read the Buildings section of a specific profile, click on its thumbnail in the grid. If you are interested in exploring the rest of that profile, click on “HOME” at the top of the Buildings section’s page.
Profiles with unpublished Buildings sections have light grey unclickable thumbnails in the grid; links will be updated as new profile sections become published.
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