Compare the main findings and indicators of profiled neighbourhoods by sector/theme. The database includes key findings and indicators from field assessments as well as household surveys for Lebanese and non-Lebanese. It also contains governorate and national comparators for certain indicators derived from the household survey. The database is updated as new data is collected.
To download a sector/theme-based database:
- Select the sector/theme that you want to see data on from the list.
- An Excel file will automatically be downloaded.
- When you open the Excel file, click “Enable Editing” then “Enable Content” at the top.
- On the “Neighbourhood Selection” sheet, select the neighbourhood(s) you want to see data on for the sector/theme that you have previously selected. (The sheet is interactive; you can add or remove neighbourhoods.)
- The data for the selected neighbourhood(s) will automatically show in a separate sheet that has the name of the selected sector/theme.